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Age Empathy Suite

Demonstration and Field testing of volunteering Ageing Device (VAD),3rd prototyped Developed by IIT Bombay at Kochi city

AGE FREINDLY CITY -volunteering Ageing Device (VAD),3rd prototyped Developed by IIT Bombay in association with KochI Municipal Corporation and MAGICS NGO.

IIT-Bombay and design firm Dig-Design have come together to create an 'age empathy suit' meant to simulate conditions of ageing. The suit, which simulates the lived experience of elderly, such as difficulty in walking and mobility limitations, can help the government, planners and policy-makers to design our cities in such a way that the needs of senior citizens are accommodated.

What is an empathy suit and how can it help us help our seniors in Age Friendly City?

IIT-Bombay and design firm Dig-Design have come together to create an 'age empathy suit' meant to simulate conditions of aging. The suit, which simulates the lived experience of elderly, such as difficulty in walking and mobility limitations, can help the government, planners and policy-makers to design our cities in such a way that the needs of senior citizens are accommodated.

'Age Empathy Suite' in Kochi to experience the problems faced by senior citizens in public places.

  • Did you want to put your foot up to the first step of the bus ?
  • Have you ever felt severe pain in your knees while climbing the stairs?
  • Have you ever had the wisdom to raise your head and drink water?
  • If the question is asked to senior citizens, the answer of many will be 'yes'.

Such are the difficulties they face in public places. The 'Age Empathy Suite' is a way for senior citizens to experience and inform policymakers about the challenges and difficulties they face while formulating policies for the general public.